Cuddle Party Online

Cuddle Party Online

 We need connection. We need loving touch. Come for two hours and explore and enjoy connection with yourself and others. Cuddle Party is a non-sexual space to receive loving affection and touch for your body and soul.

The structure of a Cuddle Party makes it a safe space to orient towards pleasure outside a sexual context. It's a wonderful place to be and some people find the online space even better than IRL! The pleasure of touch, the pleasure of mindfulness, the pleasure of choice, and the pleasure of safe connection.

"You gain:
-Clarity and confidence
-Boundary and communication skills
-Comfort, support, and encouragement
-The secrets to welcome, relaxed, non-sexual touch " - ™

Online Cuddle Party is an opportunity to connect and make friends all around the world, come join the non-sexual pleasure revolution!

Register here (svenskar får gärna betala med swish och maila mig sin anmälan, 123 159 1627)
Price 30 USD, if you are underprivileged or in in other financial difficulties price is reduced.
Sofia Kreissl is a Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator, Pleasure Therapist, Wheel of Consent facilitator, and enthusiastic about pleasure as a healing modality. &
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